《纽约时报》网站报道,特朗普政府当地时间周三发布新规,限制中国共产党党员及其直系亲属赴美旅行,此举无疑将进一步加剧两国之间的紧张关系。 据两名知情人士透露,这项新政将中共党员及其家属的赴美旅行签证最长有效期限制在单月单次入境,立即生效。 报道称,在此之前,中共党员和其他中国公民一样,可以获得最长10年的赴美旅游签证。 Previous: 据伊拉克阿拉比亚电视台报道,当地时间29日晚间,在伊拉克和叙利亚边境附近的加伊姆地区,伊朗革命卫队高级指挥官穆斯林·沙赫丹乘坐的车辆遭到无人机袭击,沙赫丹与三名随行人员均在袭击中身亡。 Next: According to the Associated Press Washington, the US State Department said on December 4 local time that the United States will impose visa restrictions on Chinese citizens participating in overseas influence operations. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the restrictions would apply to Chinese Communist Party officials or anyone else involved in propaganda or influence activities related to the United Front Work Department. It is unclear how many people will be covered by the new restrictions.