Hainan Free Trade Port: Domestic and International Cooperation Composes a New Chapter of Development

(World Chinese Media’s special reporters Wu Jialiang and Wu Junzhi will report from Guangzhou on May 24, 2024) In midsummer, the open and confident Hainan, on the coast of the the Pearl River, is once again in front of the news spotlight. On the afternoon of May 24th, a special press conference titled “Forming a Free Trade Port: Hainan Leading High Quality Development with High Level Openness” (Guangzhou City) was held at the Yuexiu International Conference Center in Guangzhou. In order to focus on the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in Hainan Free Trade Port, more than 100 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao enterprises and media, totaling more than 130 people, participated in the conference, witnessing the momentum and energy of high-quality development in Hainan Free Trade Port.

According to Jiang Jianmin, spokesperson for the Hainan Provincial News Office, Hainan will focus on five aspects and strive to create an important practice site for new quality productivity: “striving for excellence in seed technology”, striving to create a new source of seed technology innovation and a new highland for the development of the southern breeding industry; To strive for strength in the sea and fully promote high-quality development of the marine economy; To build a commercial aerospace industry cluster with international influence and competitiveness by striving for strength in the sky; To strive for green development, focus on building a “clean energy island”, and continuously enhance green and low-carbon international competitiveness; To enhance the digital economy and its deep integration with the real economy, we will strive to improve and perfect the data infrastructure system that is compatible with the free trade port. “We will strive to lead the country in terms of new quality productivity and make it a prominent feature of Hainan Free Trade Port,” said Jiang Jianmin.


Photographed by a reporter from World Chinese Media.


Jiang Jianmin, spokesperson for the Hainan Provincial News Office, presided over the meeting. Provided by the organizer.

The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has entered a new stage, and comprehensive efforts are being made in five fields including seed industry, deep-sea, aerospace, green, and digital industries. With the core strategy of “Five Strong Plans”, it aims to create an important practice base for new quality productivity. Wang Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, pointed out at the press conference that the policy and institutional system of the free trade port, with the main framework of “free and convenient trade, investment, cross-border capital flow, personnel entry and exit, transportation, and data security and orderly flow”, has been preliminarily established and has become a catalyst and accelerator for high-quality development in Hainan.

The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has achieved remarkable results, including improving the quality and efficiency of economic recovery, accelerating the release of policy dividends, and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system. It is reported that the policy and institutional system of Hainan Free Trade Port has been basically formed, and the operating entities and the public have benefited from it. The zero tariff policy has cumulatively reduced tax amounts by billions of yuan. The preparation work for the closure operation is also being carried out intensively, making every effort to advance the closure task and ensure the timely achievement of the closure operation goals. Shi Yaodong, Deputy Director of the Deep Reform Office of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee (Free Trade Port Working Committee Office), said that after the closure, Hainan’s trade and investment with the world will become more frequent, free and convenient, and can more effectively gather global factors and allocate global resources. This will become a vivid footnote that “the door to China’s opening will not be closed, but will only become larger and larger”, which will have an important impact on domestic and foreign investors and the local people of Hainan.

International cooperation is becoming increasingly close, and Hainan Free Trade Port is strengthening cooperation with international partners to jointly write a new chapter of development. The establishment of Hainan Free Trade Port is not an isolated move, but an important measure of cooperation and international integration with Guangdong Province, the Guangdong Hong Kong Greater Bay Area, and domestic provinces and cities in China. The policy and institutional framework of free trade ports, which focuses on “zero tariffs, low tax rates, simplified tax system”, “five freedoms and conveniences, and one safe and orderly flow”, is accelerating its implementation. These core policies are solidified through legal means, providing stable expectations for global investors, and continuously rolling and upgrading to achieve efficiency release.

A sound social credit system is an important component of a legal business environment. Regarding this, Wang Xuehao, Deputy Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Business Environment Construction, introduced that Hainan has formed a number of credit application scenarios, with over 100 of them listed as provincial key scenarios. Among them, the operation of “second line checkpoints” for credit supervision services is particularly important. “How can we ensure that the second tier checkpoints are ‘managed’ and ‘well managed’, while also providing convenience? The credit system needs to take on the backbone!” Wang Xuehao said that Hainan will build a new regulatory mechanism based on credit, establish credit classification measures, and ensure that trustworthy individuals enjoy the greatest convenience and dishonest individuals receive the most accurate prevention.

“How will Hainan further enhance its’ international presence ‘?” The reporter asked about the construction of an international tourism consumption center. Wang Zhongyun, Deputy Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television, and Sports, gave an example in response: “In response to the current payment issue for foreign visitors to China, Hainan has officially launched the’ Hainan Trustworthy Payment ‘app, which can achieve mobile POS function through NFC card payment.” Payment in Hainan is very convenient and is a microcosm of Hainan’s construction of an international tourism consumption center. “. The spokesperson stated that currently, the “Hainan Trustworthy Payment” app has been piloted in the taxi industry in Sanya City, gradually expanding its scope to other consumption scenarios such as “food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping, and entertainment”, achieving full coverage throughout the province. “Last August, we also launched a comprehensive compensation mechanism for tourism consumption complaints – the ‘Hainan Rest assured Tour’ platform, fully supporting the rights of tourists and providing them with a ‘reassuring pill’,” said Wang Zhongyun. Next, Hainan will continue to strengthen the construction of its credit system, vigorously improve the level of standardization, establish a tourism service quality education and training network with the participation of the government, associations, and enterprises, further standardize the order of the tourism market, and promote the high-quality improvement of tourism services.

Hainan has established a preliminary business environment evaluation index system with the characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port by benchmarking the new World Bank evaluation index system and high standard international economic and trade rules. Actively implementing the negative list for foreign investment access and the negative list for cross-border service trade, we have successively launched the Hainan Free Trade Port one-stop policy inquiry and interpretation platform and the enterprise comprehensive service platform, continuously optimizing the “single window” for international investment and international trade, so that Chinese and foreign investors can better understand and invest in Hainan.

The Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Government attach great importance to the integration of international high standard economic and trade rules, carry out preliminary experiments in accordance with international high standard economic and trade rules, actively integrate with international high standard economic and trade rules, and accelerate the promotion of institutional openness in rules, regulations, management, standards, and other areas.

“The vast majority of the 36 policy measures in the document” Several Measures for Pilot Docking with International High Standards and Promoting Institutional Opening in Conditional Free Trade Pilot Zones and Hainan Free Trade Port “issued by the State Council [2023] No. 9 have been implemented, and the two policies unique to Hainan have both achieved their ‘first orders’.” Yu Xiang, Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, said. On April 30th of this year, the “first order” of the temporary outbound repair policy was implemented, and Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd. enjoyed a tariff exemption of 68000 yuan for four temporary outbound repair goods worth 953000 yuan, which were re transported into the country; On May 17th, the “first order” of the temporary entry repair policy landed, and a South Korean Jeju Airlines aircraft repaired by Dahua Aircraft Maintenance Service Company, a subsidiary of Hainan Airlines Technology, successfully completed the repair and departed without tariffs.

Yu Xiang stated that he will coordinate the investment promotion work of the free trade port in Hainan through four aspects: policy investment promotion, industry chain investment promotion, global investment promotion, and optimizing the business environment investment promotion. If we further optimize the negative list of foreign investment access in Hainan Free Trade Port, reduce the negative list of cross-border service trade, and optimize the 30% tariff free policy for processing value-added. “In 2024, the province will include 82 key investment promotion activities in the annual plan. This year, we will also plan to hold the ‘Invest in China’ activity well and carry out precise investment promotion.”

At present, the popularity of foreign investment in Hainan continues to rise. Since 2018, the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises in Hainan has continued to grow at an annual growth rate of 65%, reaching 6543. Hainan will continuously improve its investment promotion work, attract more high-quality domestic and international projects to settle, and share development opportunities with partners. Facing the international market, Hainan Free Trade Port will move towards a broader development stage with a more open, efficient, and convenient attitude. Hainan is working together with international partners, guided by the “Five Strong Goals”, to depict a brighter future for Hainan’s international development.

Guangdong Hainan Cooperation: Jointly Building Regional Economic Integration

The cooperation between Guangdong and Hainan has always been an important component of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. As one of the most active provinces in China’s economy, Guangdong Province has strong economic strength and abundant industrial resources. Cooperation with Hainan Free Trade Port will bring more development opportunities to Hainan.

In 2020, the Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port was proposed to promote coordinated development with the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. Since 2021, with the coordinated efforts of senior management and the joint efforts of relevant units, the coordinated development of Hainan Free Trade Port and the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area has reached a new level. The party and government delegations from Hainan and Guangdong provinces have conducted close visits and signed the “Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement of the People’s Government of Hainan Province and the People’s Government of Guangdong Province” and the “Strategic Cooperation Agreement for Promoting the Development of Guangdong and Hainan”. They have established and improved the working mechanism for the development of Guangdong and Hainan, issued a special task force plan for the development of Hainan in Guangdong and Hainan, and the governor has taken the lead in coordinating related matters of the development.

Under the framework of Guangdong Hainan cooperation, the exchange and cooperation between Guangdong and Hainan in areas such as economy, trade, and culture are increasingly deepening. Enterprises in Guangdong actively participate in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, bringing more investment and technical support to Hainan and promoting its economic development.

At the same time, Hainan Free Trade Port also brings new development opportunities to Guangdong. As the forefront of China’s reform and opening up, Hainan Free Trade Port will provide Guangdong enterprises with a broader market and a more convenient investment environment, promoting economic cooperation between Guangdong and Hainan.

The opening of the international freight routes “Singapore Haikou Shenzhen” and “Sanya Shenzhen Kuala Lumpur” has effectively expanded the air freight channels for Hainan’s trade, and assisted in the coordinated development of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, Hainan Free Trade Port, and Southeast Asian markets.

The cooperation between Guangdong and Hainan will further promote the connectivity between the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and Hainan Free Trade Port, and promote the development of regional economic integration. The cooperation between Guangdong and Hainan will jointly promote the coordinated development of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and Hainan Free Trade Port, injecting new impetus into the high-quality development of the Chinese economy.

Hainan Free Trade Port: An Important Hub of the Maritime Silk Road

The rise of Hainan Free Trade Port is not only a microcosm of China’s reform and opening up, but also a strong support for the integration of China and the world economy. As an important node of the Maritime Silk Road, Hainan Free Trade Port is deepening cooperation with countries along the route to jointly promote regional development.

The construction of free trade ports provides new opportunities for cooperation between Hainan and ASEAN countries. Through the Hainan Free Trade Port, trade between China and ASEAN countries will be more convenient, and cooperation between the two sides will be further strengthened. In addition, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has also attracted the attention and participation of more and more enterprises from countries along the Maritime Silk Road, promoting cooperation and exchanges in more fields.

With the continuous deepening of economic cooperation between China and the world, Hainan Free Trade Port will become an important platform for economic and trade cooperation between China, ASEAN, and the world. Under the historical framework of the Maritime Silk Road, Hainan Free Trade Port will further strengthen cooperation with ASEAN and the world, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the regional economy.

In 2023, Hainan’s total trade in goods with RCEP member countries achieved double-digit growth, while the total trade in services doubled.

Digital Economy Cooperation: Building a New Digital Future Together

The digital economy is an important engine for the development of the world economy today, and also one of the important development directions of Hainan Free Trade Port. Hainan will accelerate the development of the digital economy, explore new models of digital economic cooperation with international partners, and jointly build a new digital future.

Wang Bin introduced that Hainan has a special policy of a free trade port granted by the state, with unique data security and orderly flow. At the same time, Hainan is also accelerating its layout of green computing power and digital new infrastructure in hardware. For example, the world’s first and only underwater data center has been laid out in Lingshui, Hainan, and three international communication submarine cables are under construction, which have laid a good policy and hardware foundation for promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitization. Therefore, Hainan actively expands the new application scenarios of the digital economy, including benchmarking against the DEPA agreement, and strives to create new advantages for the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, truly achieving “digital strength”.

In the field of digital economy, Hainan Free Trade Port will cooperate with technology enterprises from all over the world to jointly promote the development of the digital economy. Hainan will attract more digital economy enterprises to settle down, create a digital economy industry cluster, and inject new impetus into the transformation and upgrading of Hainan’s economy. Hainan will actively participate in international digital economic cooperation, promote the globalization of the digital economy, and jointly build a new ecosystem of the digital economy.

Green development cooperation: jointly building a new pattern of ecological civilization

Green development is one of the important goals of Hainan Free Trade Port construction and an important area for international cooperation. Hainan will accelerate the pace of green development, jointly build a new pattern of ecological civilization with international partners, and share the achievements of green development.

Hainan has the advantage of green ecology, with unique advantages, national quality, green water and mountains, blue sea and sky, and a wide range of ecological resources such as wetlands, forests, and oceans. Hainan adheres to the principle of ecological province, accelerates the promotion of new industrialization, vigorously develops green and low-carbon industries, and promotes comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. Hainan is not only the Hainan of the people of Hainan, but also the Hainan of the whole country and the world. Therefore, Hainan is focusing on building a clean energy island, reducing the carbon footprint of its products to the lowest in the country or even the world. The installed capacity of clean energy has reached 78.5%, continuously improving its international competitiveness in green and low-carbon areas, and indeed achieving a “strong green image”.

During the 2024 annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia, the Boao Dongyu Island Near Zero Carbon Demonstration Zone was launched and put into operation. Wang Bin said, “I remember when I communicated with some foreign journalists and guests myself, everyone was generally concerned and praised, believing that from the near zero carbon demonstration zone on Dongyu Island in Boao, Hainan, China, we saw the determination of the Chinese government to address climate change, as well as the technological capabilities and vivid practices of the Chinese people in addressing climate change and achieving zero carbon and carbon reduction development.”

In the field of green development, Hainan will strengthen environmental protection cooperation with international partners and jointly promote ecological and environmental protection work. Hainan actively participates in international environmental cooperation mechanisms, jointly addresses the challenges of global environmental change, and promotes international cooperation in green development. In 2022, Hainan organized a delegation with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to Montreal to carry out the “Hainan Day” promotion at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) with China as the host country. The “Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth” theme conference was held in Wuzhishan, Hainan. In 2023, Hainan went to Dubai to participate in the “Ecological Civilization and Beautiful China Practice” side meeting at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28). This week, the 2024 National Conference on Nature Conservation and the 2024 International Biodiversity Day promotion activities were first held in Wuzhishan, Hainan. Hainan is actively building an important window to showcase the achievements of jointly building ecological civilization to the world.

At the same time, Hainan will strengthen cooperation with international partners in the fields of renewable energy, energy conservation and emission reduction, and jointly promote the development and application of green energy. Hainan will attract more green industry enterprises to settle down, create green development demonstration zones, and contribute Hainan’s wisdom and strength to the development of the world’s green economy.

Aerospace Technology Cooperation: Building Space Dreams Together

Aerospace technology is an important support for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and also one of the important areas for international cooperation. Hainan will accelerate the development of aerospace technology, work together with international partners to build a dream space, and share the achievements of aerospace technology.

Hainan Island’s latitude advantage promotes the development of the aerospace industry. The lower the latitude, the higher the linear velocity of the Earth’s rotation, and the corresponding initial velocity obtained for space launches. This can save fuel and increase payload, which is a natural geographical advantage of Hainan. Hainan is leveraging this advantage to strive to build a world-class space launch site, accelerate the construction of Wenchang International Space City, and build a commercial aerospace industry cluster with international influence and competitiveness. At present, the first commercial space launch station for civil construction and civil use in Wenchang International Space City was completed at the end of last year, and the construction of the second launch station was also completed at the end of March this year. Last month, it had normalized launch capabilities. In the future, the development of commercial space and the processing and application of remote sensing, satellite and other data derived from commercial space will continue to emerge in various scenarios.

In the field of aerospace technology, Hainan will strengthen cooperation with international partners in aerospace technology and jointly promote innovative development of aerospace technology. Hainan will actively participate in international space cooperation projects, jointly explore new areas of space exploration, and promote global cooperation in space technology.

At the same time, Hainan will build an aerospace technology research and development base to attract more aerospace technology enterprises to settle down and promote the development of the aerospace technology industry. Hainan will strengthen talent cultivation and exchange cooperation with international partners in the field of aerospace technology, jointly cultivate aerospace technology talents, and inject new impetus into aerospace technology cooperation.

The rise of Hainan Free Trade Port is inseparable from the close connection between domestic and international cooperation. In the context of globalization, Hainan will work together with partners from all over the world to promote the construction and development of Hainan Free Trade Port, and jointly write a new chapter of human development. I believe that under the guidance of Hainan Free Trade Port, China will move towards a more open, inclusive, and cooperative future, and work together with countries around the world to build a community with a shared future for mankind and create a better tomorrow.


Photographed by a reporter from World Chinese Media.


At the press conference. Provided by the organizer.

Publisher:INN ,Please indicate the source of the reprint: https://news.ngoimo.org/china-news/2024/05/25/archives/24046

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