The current Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, was successfully re-elected

On June 18, local time, the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, was officially re-elected by vote, and he will continue his second term as Secretary-General of the United Nations from January 2022 to December 2026.
On the 18th, Guterres took the oath of office and delivered a speech, first of all, he recalled the difficult work of the United Nations during the epidemic period, and all countries have been hit by different blows such as unemployment and poverty. Guterres said all people need to unite to solve common problems, recover from the pandemic, change inequalities in vaccine supply, address possible conflicts, and promote a more equitable, safe and green future.

Guterres has pledged to bring about accelerated change at the United Nations in his second term, and Guterres is the only candidate to be officially endorsed by the UN Security Council in this year’s election for UN Secretary-General, a former prime minister of Portugal, a high commissioner to UNHCR and a post he has held since January 2017.

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