2019 Dujiangyan Water Culture Festival Welcomes Tourists

拜水都江堰,问道青城山。“水润天府 传颂匠心——2019中国 · 都江堰李冰文化国际旅游节“(以下简称:旅游节)于7月26日在世界遗产都江堰景区盛大启幕。在2019年的“旅游节”启幕仪式上,青城山—都江堰旅游景区管理局推出各种精彩的活动邀请游客参与,让远道而来的游客们在炎炎夏日中感受到都江堰水的清凉。
Worship the Miracle of Dujiangyan Water Project and Learn Taoism on Mount—-China Dujiangyan Li Bing Culture International Tourism Festival 2019″ (hereinafter referred to as “Tourism Festival”) opened on July 26 in the World Heritage Dujiangyan Scenic Area. At the opening ceremony of the “Tourism Festival” in 2019, the Qingchengshan-Dujiangyan Tourism Scenic Area Administration launched various wonderful activities to attract tourists from afar to feel the cool water of Dujiangyan in the hot summer.
秦代蜀郡守李冰在公元前256年率众修建了举世无双的水利工程都江堰,从此使得成都平原成为“沃野千里,水旱从人、不知饥馑,时无荒年”的“天府之国”。相传千百年来,灌区各地群众都要在李冰生日这天自发前来都江堰,载歌载舞,祭祀李冰。 “李冰文化国际旅游节”从2005年开始举办,旨在纪念这位治水先贤的伟大功绩,成为都江堰的文化旅游品牌。
In the Qin Dynasty, Li Bing led the public to construct Dujiangyan, an unparalleled water project, in 256 B.C., which made the Chengdu Plain a “land of abundance” with miles of fertile farmlands, and free from droughts, flooding and famine. Legend has it in the past thousands of years, people from all over the irrigation area came to Dujiangyan on Li Bing’s birthday to pay tribute to Li Bing. “Li Bing Culture International Tourism Festival” was launched in 2005 to commemorate the great achievements of the water harnessing sage, and has become a cultural tourism brand of Dujiangyan.
In this “Li Bing Culture International Tourism Festival”, the history reappears magnificent scenery of the Li Bing’s river patrol. At 9:00 a.m., Xuanhua Gate of Guanxian Ancient City was slowly opened. One hundred people in Qin clothes start their tour at Xuanhua Gate of Guanxian Ancient City and Li Bing led the officials to patrol tDujiangyan, the ancient city. The two-hour show reproduces the ancient river patrol ceremony 2000 years ago.

The most anticipated Millennium Ancient Law Sacrifice Ceremony has theTaoist masters recite scriptures in Erwang Temple. The activity began at 8:00 a.m. and enthusiastic citizens and tourists gathered at Erwang Temple early in the morning to look forward to the start of the activity. This complete set of ancient law sacrificial procedures is used to express the gratitude of Li Bing. The sacrificial ceremony gives citizens and tourists a chance to experience the mysterious and ancient history of Dujiangyan and profound folk culture.
都江堰水利工程是当今世界上唯一存留、以无坝引水为特征的古代水利系统工程 被全球水利界誉为“人类水利史上的丰碑”。这座古老的水利工程建于公元前256年,历经2270多年仍在发挥作用。
Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project is the only remaining ancient water irrigation project in the world, which is characterized by dam-free water diversion. It has been praised as a “monument in the history of water irrigation”. This ancient water project was built in 256 B.C. and has been functioning for more than 2,270 years.
“水润天府 传颂匠心——2019中国 · 都江堰李冰文化国际旅游节”已落下帷幕,但是都江堰敞开怀抱喜迎宾客之热情不减,每一次相逢的欣喜之情汇成一句:都江堰欢迎您。
Now the festival has come to an end, but Dujiangyan is always ready to welcome tourists with open arms.
Publisher:INN ,Please indicate the source of the reprint: https://news.ngoimo.org/china-news/2019/07/27/archives/4361