Call for proposals for logo designs of Zhejiang!



Dear all, 

We are pleased to announce the launch of a Call for Proposals for the Logo Design of Zhejiang

As it is known to all, Zhejiang Province is famous for its rich culture and vibrant economy. The impression and image of Zhejiang can be interpreted from its provincial brand – Picturesque and Dynamic Zhejiang, a brand that fully shows the spirit and dynamism of Zhejiang. 

We are here to invite all logo designers and enthusiasts across the globe to submit their logo design ideas for Zhejiang! 

We believe that your brilliant ideas will help more people to show the beauty of Zhejiang and contribute to the cross-cultural communication between different cultures and countries. 

Welcome to join us now!






Scan the QR code or click “read more” to join us!

Terms and Conditions 参赛须知


Qualifying Entrants 参赛对象

All logo designers and enthusiasts across the globe are welcome to join the contest.  



Deadline 提交作品截止时间

September 20, 2022 (This deadline is the deadline for the submission of your proposals. Applicants who fail to meet the deadline will not be eligible for the contest.



Online Voting 网络投票

October 1 to 7, 2022      



Design Requirement 设计要求

All entries need to be in accordance with the positioning of Zhejiang Province as well as the overtone of the provincial brand of Zhejiang – Picturesque and Dynamic Zhejiang. A good entry needs to integrate the natural landscape, cultural spirits and the development features of Zhejiang with a novel, thematic and future-oriented idea, making it acceptable for all the people of the international community. 


All entries need to show a good integration of both the Chinese and the English titles of Zhejiang’s provincial brand – “诗画江南 活力浙江” and “Picturesque and Dynamic Zhejiang” with a scenario-based design, making sure that the logo can harmoniously fit with different scenarios when colours, materials, sizes, dimensions and other factors may change accordingly. The entries need to consider the flexibility with different media forms, making sure that the logos can be presented well in whatever media forms, both traditional and digital. 

设计作品需包含完整中英文名称“诗画江南、活力浙江“Picturesque and Dynamic Zhejiang”与LOGO的基本组合方式。场景化应用设计延展兼具充足的形象表现力和艺术感染力,在任何颜色、材质、大小、平面或立体、静态或动态的载体中体现时,均不影响品牌形象的整体视觉美感和表现力,适合传统媒体及新媒体传播、推广的需求,在实际应用中有良好的视觉效果。


Entry Requirement 征集作品要求

The design shall be submitted as a JPG/PNG file (no large than 5M) with a precision of 300dpi and a size of 297mm x 420mm (A3 horizontal or vertical) with the logo in the upper part and its descriptions in the lower part. 

每件作品需提交一份精度为300dpiJPG/PNG格式文件,尺寸为 297mm x 420mm (A3竖排或横排),内容为LOGO与设计说明。

Each entry may submit a JPG image (within 5M) with a precision of 300dpi and a size of 297mm x 420mm (A3 vertical), consisting of 3 to 5 demo scenarios for reference. (Optional)

每件作品可提交一份精度为300dpi的JPG/PNG格式文件,尺寸为 297mm x 420mm (A3竖排),内容为3-5张场景应用。(选择性提交)

Each entry may also submit a video clip (MP4no large than 100M) of less than 15 seconds with a resolution of 1920*1080. (Optional)


It is prohibited to show any information relevant to the design(s) or design organization(s). 


Each designer shall demonstrate his or her idea, concept and meaning of his or her works in Chinese or English in the Application Form, and submit the form with the Commitment Letter to the application system.


The submitted entries need to be sent in one document with the title “Zhejiang Provincial Brand Logo + designer’s name + designer’s phone number”. All materials related to the entries will not be returned back once the entries are submitted. Please do remember to back up your work.


All entries shall be the original works without similarity to the brand logos of any other city across the globe. All entrants shall assume full legal responsibility for the copyright of their entries. The Organizer has the right to reject the works suspected of plagiarism.



Submission Ways  提交方式

Step1: Click to join the contest.

Step2: Fill in the required information and upload your designs.

Step3: Click “Submit” after you upload your designs and finish filling in the required information. Once the system shows it has completed the submission, then it means that your application has been processed. 

Prizes and Awards 奖项和荣誉

  • Gold prize winner (1 entry) will receive an award of RMB 300,000 (pre-tax) and a certificate of honour.
  • Silver prize winners (5 entries) will each receive an award of RMB 100,000 (pre-tax) and a certificate of honour
  • Bronze prize winners (15 entries) will each receive an award of RMB 30,000 (pre-tax) and a certificate of honour.
  • Merit prize winners (30 entries) will each receive an award of RMB 10,000 (pre-tax) and a certificate of honour.
  • Shortlisted prize winners (50 entries) will each receive a certificate of honour.
  • Excellent organization prize winners will receive a certificate of honour.

In the case of multiple designers, the award shall be shared within the team by mutual agreement. Prize winners should be responsible for income taxes. 


Special Notes 特别声明

  • The copyright of all winning entries belongs to the Organizer of the contest. The Organizer has the right to modify the winning works, and the prize winners are obliged to assist the Organizer to make further modifications to the shortlisted works. The Organizer has no obligation to pay an extra fee except for the prize award according to the announcement.
  • The final logo design shall be approved by the Organizer. The Organizer has the right to license authorized institutions to use the logo in any form. The uses include but are not limited to: promotional activities, communications, cultural and educational projects and any activities related to Zhejiang; production, publication, broadcasting and media publicity; marketing activities of authorized television broadcasters, business partners, etc.; other authorized projects.
  • Designers applying to participate in this contest are all regarded as agreeing with the above regulations and the content of the Commitment Letter. The Organizer has the sole right to interpret the regulations.

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