On September 12, 2023, Window of China jointly launched the “Beautiful China – China Tourism Destination Global Promotion Action” with the Tianji Ranking, International Brand Festival (International Brand Festival), and the Beautiful China Cultural Exploration Action.
The “Beautiful China – China Tourism Destination Global Promotion Action” will conduct comprehensive research on domestic tourist attractions, and the preliminarily selected scenic spots will be promoted by cooperative media institutions. The event organizing committee will also collaborate with professional cultural and tourism planning and operation teams to plan, enhance brand image, and design and implement overall operation plans for tourist attractions with demand. The “Beautiful China – Global Promotion Action for Chinese Tourism Destinations” will timely release the recommended list of tourism destinations for all provinces and cities in China, as well as the “Top 100 Chinese Tourism Destinations” list in 2024.
The 2024 Top 100 Chinese Tourist Destinations list will give tourist attractions the opportunity to participate in the “Top 100 Chinese Tourist Destinations” award ceremony held in Macau and participate in promotional activities held at the United Nations headquarters.
Publisher:INN ,Please indicate the source of the reprint: https://news.ngoimo.org/china-news/2023/09/13/archives/24041